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Fairview/UofM vs Tria/Park Nicollet.
Back in July, I had an idiotic fall that smashed my wrist.
Treament and surgery were done at Tria, an orthopedic clinic affiliated with Park Nicollet. The surgeon was good, the day surgery team a marvel of efficiency, and the hand therapists hard-working and resourceful. They tried every therapeutic trick and torture device to fix the wrist, but four months later, it is painful and almost immobile. Each department was good at its single mission-but too narrowly focused. "When do you see the doctor?" my hand therapist would ask, shaking her head at my lack of progress.
I sought a second opinion at Fairview/UofM, a teaching facility, where a Professor of Orthopedics quickly diagnosed the problem: two tears in the soft tissue. Loved the way the diagnostic team worked there. But systemically, what a mess. Bad followup. Calls are not returned. Appoinsments scheduled in the wrong department. Just plain sloppy, systemically.
So, what to do? I need a working right hand.
Image via WikipediaWhich must be something like east of the sun.
My son came home from camp with a duffel full of mysteries.
Like where were his fins?
How did his soap return unscathed for the second year running?
And what happened to the other 19 socks?
This kid went to camp with ten pairs and came home with a single sock "I have issues with socks," he explained.
There was some childhood trauma I was unaware of?
The sock industry gave money to Tom Emmer's campaign?
Who knows? Who cares?
He came home tall, happy, handsome, 16 pounds lighter, he learned to water ski, and I've got a bar of soap he can use for the third year in a row.
Ze cast? She is off.
Seventeen days ago, I tripped and fell, hard; skinning lip, nose, knees, and breaking nose and wrist.
Fourteen days ago, I had surgery on the wrist, which I gather was really broken.
I didn't track the details; not day of fall, day or surgery, or at today's post-op appointment, as I've gotten "vagelly", as one nurse described it. (Which makes me feel weak, stupid, and worried about an old-lady-falling-down future.) (I think about how much one injury affected me and marvel at people who recover from multiple insults.)
The good news is the big cast is off and I am typing with two hands. For someone as attached as I am to keyboarding, my inability to type was harder than my inability to tie, zip, slice, or drive.
So onward, to tai chi and other balance/coordination enhancements.
In a house with a teenager. In other words, at wit's ends. The stepping-on-legos years were tolerable But this is ridiculous. You're not going in there anymore so the kid is going to have to take care of it. June 11. That's the day we rise up and force those kids to clean their rooms.Susan Berkson, Teen Clean Your Room, Jun 2010
Tuesday is recycling day in my neck of the woods.
Every household puts out a blue bin for recycling and therein lie a million stories.
If my neighbors knew what can be gleaned from their recycling bins: Where they shop. What they eat. How they spend.
They'd stop. Dead men tell no tales but recycling bins speak volumes.
Here's the family that drinks non-BgH milk from plastic bottles.
The couple who eat organic beans from cans lined with BPA.
The beer drinkers.
The drinker who stopped.
The self-proclaimed sustainable eater whose bin overflows with packaging from processed foods.
The health-minded young family whose bin sits next to their "Warning. Chemically treated" yard sign.
Who still gets a newspaper. Or two.
Who contributes to the Jewish home for the elderly.
Who clips "Boxtops for education". Who doesn't.
Most remarkable, how the new Trader Joe's has colonized our neighborhood.
From now on, my junk mail is going into a brown paper bag before it hits the bin. The rest of my recyclables -- frankly, I feel smug, although to someone else, no doubt, its a whole different story.
There were lives at stake. How many have been hurt in the last 12 years? How many lost? The article ran in CityPages. And the pesticides went on. Pesticides are just one of tens of thousands of toxic chemicals doing us harm. Poisoning us. Tomorrow the President's Cancer Panel ("The Mount Everest of medical mainstream" releases a report singing that same tune. Who will listen? Will anything change? Of course, industry and their mouthpieces like the American Council on Science and Health will throw everything they've got at this. But the evidence is in. Babies are polluted in the womb.
So give something a "thumbs up" on Facebook and you've given away valuable info about yourself. So if you like this, don't tell Facebook. Doesn't matter how many privacy settings you choose. If you are on Facebook, they own you.
Scarey. Read this: Appleseed - Why Should I Come? I get the appeal of shooting a rifle. My kid shoots clay pigeons. But these folks want to "save America". To be with "real Americans". To "defend their liberties" and "take back their country." From whom? We live in a nation of laws; not a single law, the second amendment. That in itself is an "amendment"; an addition to a body of laws, and is only one of many amendments. You don't get to worship at the altar of your favorite law, forsaking all others. You don't get to "reload" and "take out" those you don't agree with, Sarah Palin. This is democracy where the majority rules. The majority elected this government, Michelle Bachman. Legally. According to the constitution you claim to love so dearly. I may loathe what you say and do. But I don't shoot you. Any of you. You threaten those with whom you disagree. And you kill them; flying planes into IRS offices, bombing reproductive health centers, murdering physicians. There is a word for that, and it's not liberty. It's terrorism.
Monday at sundown marks the start of the Jewish festival of Passover, when Jews the world over celebrate the exodus from Egypt. The centerpiece of the celebration is a ceremonial meal know as Seder, during which the Passover story is told. While food customs vary regionally, the ceremonial foods on the central Seder plate are the same. Traditionally, four questions are asked at the Seder meal. I'm adding a fifth: How can we localize this meal?
On the Seder plate: Zeroah, a lamb's shankbone symbolizing the ancient Passover sacrifice. Easy. Minnesota growers like Blue Gentian Farm raise lamb. Beitzah, a roasted egg symbolizing the temple sacrifice and the continuing cycle of life. Also easy, via local farms like Sleeping Cat Farm and Bar 5. Haroset, a paste of fruit and nuts symbolizing the mortar used to build the pyramid of the pharaohs. If you preserved any Minnesota apples last fall, easy. The nuts -- not so easy. Sweetened with Ames Farm honey, delicious. Mar'or, a bitter herb (like horseradish) to represent the bitterness of slavery. Sara Rice, who writes the Noshin' column at TCJewFolk, reminds us that while horseradish is the most potent, any bitter herb will do. Dehn's Garden Arugula, perhaps? Karpas, a green vegetable (usually parsley) representing spring. Any green vegetable will do. Romaine, endive, asparagus; or watercress from Dehn's Garden A bowl of salt water. With 10,000 lakes, water we've got.
Four cups of wine are drunk through the meal, and while Minnesota does have wineries, none produce wine that is Kosher for Passover. And as for matzo, the unleavened bread eaten during the entire week of Passover, you could make your own using Minnesota flour.
So tell us. What are you doing to localize your Seder?
I'm a long-time subscriber to More magazine, which tells me it is "for women of style & substance"
So why is Dana Delany on the cover, shirt unbuttoned, bra showing, kneeling on what looks to be a bed? That's style and substance? It's bad enough that every issue tells me to reinvent myself. Apparently I'm not ok as I am. But everyone in every issue is now indistinguishable from everyone in every other women's magazine. More is supposed to be for women over 40. Who are 50, even. Or -- dare I say it -- 60. In fact, the More website says they celebrate women over 40. So why do they all look 30? Smooth brows. Unwrinkled cheeks. Botox, restylane, whatever it takes not to look 40. That's what's celebrated in these pages
"Spoiler alert. It was a violent day in Afghanistan as U.S. troops encountered fierce combat. We'll play some music while we run the body count at the bottom of the screen so you may want to turn away."
So, I'm watching a chunk of the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics and I notice that the women carrying the country signs identifying each delegation are wearing..... Shorts? Mini skirts? Whatever it is, they are showing a lot of leg. While the men carrying country signs - same job - are wearing pants. Trousers. Legs completely covered. Because?????? If cold air touches their private parts they can't carry their sign? Because they refuse to be treated as sex objects? You tell me.
Here are 10 tips for online marketing success. Be brief. Be useful. Be bold. I've used this blog to learn, to play, to grow. But to be useful to anyone but me, I'm gonna' have to take my own advice.
After stomping countless miles to the Dreamgirls soundtrack, I finally saw it. And was thrilled, jazzed, and puzzled. The new tour of the Broadway musical had reached Minneapolis -- my chance to see what the buzz was all about. After less-than-stellar performances of amateur night at the Apollo which open the show, the Dreamettes entered and the thrill began. The mic'ing was not perfect,but Henry Krieger's score (Krieger had been composing for Captain Kangaroo!), Tom Eyen's libretto, and the zip of Michael Bennett's original production propelled it forward. Right up to the number that is supposed to stop the show: Effie's performance of "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going." It did stop the show - for the wrong reasons. An understudy -- a fine singer -- was on for Effie. She'd rocked the group numbers and the audience thought she sang the heck out of this one. But she didn't have the chops to act it. And more melisma, which came gushing out of her, was not the answer. This production was swimming with melisma.
And melisma was not enough to move the second act. Second act problems are common, but I'd never heard of second act problems with Dreamgirls. Was it the direction of this production that made it so weak? Lack of actor skills? Or poorly written? I went running to the library to read source material and reviews of the original production which was workshopped several times before it opened on Broadway, and incorporated improvisations by cast members including Loretta Devine's mumbling, "Show biz , just show biz".
Still it takes a creative genius to shape (and edit and hone) the contributions of actors, writers, designers, musicians; and when that genius is gone.....what happens?
In his 1981 New York Times review ("Rich Dessert Without the Main Course" Walter Kerr lamented the book, the score, even the concept; "tinsel and only tinsel". In the same paper, Frank Rich thought the show was Michael Bennett's claim to greatness, though he, too, quibbled with the "overpat and frantic plot resolutions of act two." So, what was it? Weak production? Weak second act? This much I can tell you: It was not this.
Last night, I told my teenager that I'd made a contribution to help earthquake relief in Haiti. I asked him if he'd like to send some of his allowance. "Haiti is another country. When Hurricane Katrina hit, did other countries help us?" he asked. "Yes", I told him, "Including Cuba." "Cuba?!?!" Which then got me wondering about what nations have -- and have not -- responded to the Haiti earthquake. Not every country is able, but many are. So, to date, who has responded?According to the AP, these nations have responded : Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, China, European Union, United Nations, Sweden, Venezuela, Mexico, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Taiwan, Israel, South Korea. This list is not complete, but it leaves me wondering: Where are the Arab countries? The Islamic nations? If anyone has heard of a response, please let me know.
Some phenomenon. Reynaud's is a vasopastic (say what?) syndrome that ....oy, just read the links. Suffice it to say, fingers and toes flash freeze. Twenty years ago, during my first winter in Minnesota, my freezing made me weep as I drove the icy streets. What was going on? I'm not talking about cold. I'm talking frostbitten white, almost instantly. Once the doc gave it a name (Reynaud's), all I cold think was who was this Reynaud's person and why must they share this michigass.
Over the years, I've done layers and electric socks, and Mycoal grabbers, and every other suggestion of humankind, but this is way beyond thinsulate. Once cold, my fingers go into a sink of warm water (when available); into my armpit, when no sink is at hand, and if I've just gotten home, my whole body goes into a hot tub until all 20 digits thaw.
Yesterday when I got to the Y, I went directly into the sauna, fully dressed 'til feeling returned; anything to get those digits back. Otherwise you can lose'em. So if you see a weeping woman with her hands in the sink or fully dressed in the YMCA sauna, it's the phenomenon known as Reyanud's.
Just finished reading another chapter of Search Engine Optimization: An Hour A Day and got some understanding of meta tags and invisible text, but how am I supposed to learn to write it? Is there (of course there is)HTML class? Because it sure seems like optimization is not possible without HTML. Are there people who do all of this - form and content - for themselves?
So far so good. Two hours down and according to authors Jennifer Grappone and Gravida Couzin, millions more to go. But an hour a day is manageable. And practical. I'm practicing now, putting lots of links in this blogpost. Here's hoping the robot search engines don't miss these links.