Saturday, February 14, 2009


Now this is a mashup; a strange combination of old and new, sweetness and sorrow, past and present.  Fourteen years ago, I had a miscarriage.   I wrote a piece about it that appeared in newspapers (old media).  It then appeared in a book  (more old media.)   Life went on. Technology went on.  I went on to have a healthy child and other writing.

Today it came crashing back in new media; the loss, the memories, the old sorrow, the old life writing for old media; in Spanish, no less.  Someone kept that book alive.  It was translated, marketed, posted, tagged, search engine optimized.    And today, after trolling for my name with Google blog search, I switched back to web search, and there I was, along with Pipik, in the middle of a Spanish url.   

Pipik is another story, for another day.  I don't even know if he exists in new media in English.   But I remember.  Aveces se gana, aveces se pierde.

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