Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Using New Media on Inauguration Day

WASHINGTON - JANUARY 20:  Barack Hussein Obama...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeHow did I use new media on Inauguration Day?

As I watched CNN's coverage on television, I had my email, my twitter widget showing me new tweets, my RSS feeder sending me updates from NYTimes, Talking Points Memo, Gawker, MinnPost, and Andrew Sullivan. I used chat to send a question about Fritz Mondale's part in the proceedings to BrauBlog's David Brauer, I used twitter spy to see what others were saying about John Roberts' administration of the Oath, I tweeted my displeasure with John Roberts' delivery of the Oath, and I Googled the text of the Oath and found it here.

Then I used this blog to express my displeasure with John Roberts. I call this blog Jump the Snark so I dare not say anything more about Roberts.

Change has come to virtual America. Minutes after I posted this entry, the original White House link I'd found about John Roberts was down, replaced by this. John Roberts Wikipedia entry had already been updated to reflect his errors administering the Oath.

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