Fairview/UofM vs Tria/Park Nicollet.
Back in July, I had an idiotic fall that smashed my wrist.
Treament and surgery were done at Tria, an orthopedic clinic affiliated with Park Nicollet. The surgeon was good, the day surgery team a marvel of efficiency, and the hand therapists hard-working and resourceful. They tried every therapeutic trick and torture device to fix the wrist, but four months later, it is painful and almost immobile. Each department was good at its single mission-but too narrowly focused. "When do you see the doctor?" my hand therapist would ask, shaking her head at my lack of progress.
I sought a second opinion at Fairview/UofM, a teaching facility, where a Professor of Orthopedics quickly diagnosed the problem: two tears in the soft tissue. Loved the way the diagnostic team worked there. But systemically, what a mess. Bad followup. Calls are not returned. Appoinsments scheduled in the wrong department. Just plain sloppy, systemically.
So, what to do? I need a working right hand.