Monday, September 7, 2009


Cue the orchestra.

Parents of America, wait the 10 second vamp then sing along with me......

School finally starts
Bet your bottom dollar that
There'll be school

Just thinking about
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
And that's cool

When I suffered his days
Of la-zy loafing
I'd think, "September 8th
Can't come too soon! Ohhhhh!"

School finally starts
Bet your bottom dollar that
There'll be school

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow.
You're only a day away

We had three weeks between
The end of camp
and this

Too much free time
For teenage boy
And his

So thank god school starts
And routine returns for teen
And mom-o
Hip hooray

To morrow, tomorrow
Yes, school starts tomorrow
Just one day 'til we're okay

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love you tomorrow
You're only a daaaaay a-waaaaay

1 comment:

mama edge said...

I looooooooove this! I'm singing along with your wonderful lyrics at the top of my lungs, celebrating with you and for you.

Golly, I hope the neighbors don't call the cops on me for disturbing the peace. Again.