Sunday, June 27, 2010

Noticed - The New Power of Petite Women -

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 26:  Disabled model...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Noticed - The New Power of Petite Women -

Petite -
Pronunciation: \pə-ˈtēt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, feminine of petit
Date: 1784: having a small trim figure —usually used of a woman
Por quoi? We never hear of a petite man. Mai, non.
Only petite women. Because for a woman, the most important attribute is appearance.
Her definition, her value, the content of her character; all secondary.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

reBlog from Susan Berkson: Teen Clean Your Room

BedroomImage by Adam UXB Smith via Flickr

I found this fascinating quote today:

In a house with a teenager. In other words, at wit's ends. The stepping-on-legos years were tolerable But this is ridiculous. You're not going in there anymore so the kid is going to have to take care of it. June 11.  That's the day we rise up and force those kids to clean their rooms.Susan Berkson, Teen Clean Your Room, Jun 2010

You should read the whole article.

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